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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

American Charity

So what is it about the American ideal?  What separates us from other enlightened people?  What is special about living in this country?

Let’s let that sink in a minute.  While they’re  off-the-cuff questions, how they’re answered may say more about us than we would like to realize.  Consider this:

We have a long-established rights in this country, although these have been eroding for years.  Check your copy of the Constitution, starting with the Bill of Rights.  Depending on your political persuasion, you may favor the First Amendment (freedom of speech, religion, and the press), or the Second (the right to bear arms).  Oddly, there is no amendment guaranteeing the right to privacy, although the courts over the years have construed one based on language already in the Constitution.  At best, there may be a presumption of a right to privacy.  But that and $4 gets you a Starbucks coffee.

But while you’re considering rights of citizens, think about whether they apply to non-citizens.  Oh, now there’s a can of worms.  Think immigration policy, welfare benefits, voting rights, and so forth.  Wherever you come down on these you’ll certainly find equally logical reasons to oppose your thought.

Now here’s a new consideration.  What about people who, although citizens, aren’t like you?  Do they enjoy the same rights and obligations?  The same Constitutional protections?

Let’s set the scenario.  Your country, because of bad intelligence or bad intent, places economic sanctions on a country.  Clearly, the intent is to work our will as a rich and powerful country without resorting to invasion.  For example, we and most of the world, have placed sanctions on Iran because of their perceived intransigence on their nuclear program.  And as of this writing, it seems to finally be working.  The Iranian currency is in free fall, and it may have the result in a “better” Iran.  But don’t count on it.  It may result in a more destabilized Iran, or one that lashes out with bombs they don’t have.  Instead, count on it as punishment.  Will the leadership be punished?  Maybe – but certainly the population at large will be.

Not so many years ago, before the invasion of Iraq (you know, ‘Nation Building’) and after the absolute, without-a-doubt weapons of mass destruction charade, we had placed economic sanctions on them.  Did they work?  Did Saddam flee in terror?  Um, no.  What was the net result?  Poverty.  Abject, unadulterated poverty, visited upon those who can least afford it.  People couldn’t afford medical care, shelter or food. 

So let’s talk just a minute about charity.  Lots of people the world over support various causes that cross international boundaries.  Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, missionary work done by your church, Red Cross, Save The Children, the list goes on and on.  All are worthy causes, and they allow the donors to contribute to something they believe in, something they personally support.  And we, as Americans, applaud this.

So let’s put all of this together: Take an American citizen with a starving family in Iraq, suffering in large part because of sanctions we placed upon the country.  Not only are his dollars supporting a cause he believes in, they’re supporting members of his own family who were destitute.  Pretty much any of us would do it if we had the means and the situation.  But because of the sanctions, it was illegal to send money to Iraq – even though the government admits none of the money made it to Saddam or his regime.  So what did our government do? 

Dr. Shakir Hamoodi was sentenced to three years in Leavenworth Federal penitentiary and began his sentence August 28.  Once that sentence is complete, he will be on probation three additional years.

The conspirators on Wall Street who stole millions?  No prosecutions of merit yet.

Kinda makes you proud to be an American, right?

Here’s the link to the story, written by a British journalist.  It’s good to see he’s not subject to our journalistic conventions.

Friday, June 8, 2012

American Spring?

Last year we witnessed an astounding collection of uprisings against dictatorships in the Middle East. Starting with Tunisia, then Egypt, then Libya, dictators have been replaced by…what? And for how long? At this point in time, it appears to be a mixed bag. Egypt, currently run by the military, is enjoying the first reasonably open election ever. Whether it will result in the military relinquishing power is yet to be known. Libya, and to a lesser extent Tunisia, appear to be more stable, although they will have an interesting future. Syria? Who knows how that will evolve? Will Al-Assad’s regime collapse under the weight of its own repression? If recent history is a guide – and it probably isn’t – the ruling family will take refuge in another country, leaving Syria to the wolves. One thing that is uncomfortable for many of us Western types is that while the popular uprisings have a faint whiff of democracy in the air, it isn’t exactly your mother’s (or your Uncle Sam’s) brand of democracy.
The reasons for the uprisings are manifold, but primarily centered on repression and corruption. The two generally go hand-in-hand, and for good reason. Exhibit A of greed being one of the seven deadly sins is apparent when dissecting governmental doings.
What’s interesting to note is how the US has supported, at least publicly, the revolutions. Even though we have tolerated or actively worked with the repressive regimes, we’ve positioned ourselves on the right side of history by claiming that we are ‘with the people’. At least until someone takes power that promotes our ‘national self-interest’, at which time we’ll drop the facade of being with the people. Such is the cynical way the world operates.
But this whole process over the past couple of years begs the question: Could it happen here?
American history is rife with malcontents, revolutionaries, and thugs of varying stripes. Ever since before the Revolutionary War, when there were as many against independence as for it. After the war, there was Shay’s Rebellion. Since then, there have been strikes, riots, rebellious groups, cults and movements. Yet for better or worse, we have more or less escaped from having another revolution.
But could that change? As written previously, we’ve seen our civil liberties circumvented or done away with entirely, usually in the name of National Security. As of now, it would be difficult to name one liberty that was suspended and subsequently returned to us. At some time, there may be a tipping point reached where we as a nation rise up and say ‘Enough’.
Will that actually occur? Evidence is sketchy at best, but between the Occupy movement, militia groups, Tea Party adherents and a general sense that government is not working for us all point to the possibility that we will, in fact, reach that tipping point. What will be interesting is the collection of people supporting a take-back of our government. Really, can you imagine a Tea Partier and an Occupier working together for a common goal? If so, it would be a marriage of convenience. Keep in mind the adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. But that’s only until the next battle. It’ll be interesting to see if this ever gels into the public taking back their government or whether we continue to cower, content with the knowledge that Big Brother is truly knows what’s best for you.
Just like sheep.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Slippery Slopes

If you’ve ever seen footage of a volcanic eruption, you’ll know how terrifying and spectacular it is. Fire and brimstone raining down a mountainside seemingly at random, eroding the current topography. After the eruptions have died down, lava continues to flow for some time. As it cools, it slows down while almost imperceptibly continuing on its journey. While not as spectacular, it can build new land masses. At this point, its pushing, prodding progress won’t be complete until sometimes years have passed. The end result is something new, something solid, with a look that most would probably not have anticipated.

Think about this metaphor when you think of legislation. When laws are passed, sometimes there is spectacle until the next news cycle and it recedes from public thought. Sometimes it will be passed quietly in the night, with scarcely anyone realizing it. Rare would be the perfect legislation, at least in the mind of the original author. There are tradeoffs to be made to garner support. Back-room dealings, or horse-trading as its best. And once in awhile you’ll find one that exemplifies the best, or the worst, that Congress has to offer.

Today’s example is the just-signed National Defense Authorization Act. This act, like so much of the sausage-making that is Congress, appears to meld the useful with the dangerous.

Perhaps you know a Constitutional lawyer who can make sense of this. Most of us can only grasp what is written and cannot see the ramifications, but maybe this can give us a starting point.

The good points include such things as funding our military. Few would argue (although some do) that this open-ended funding has little to do with actually protecting our country and its citizens. But as they say, the devil is in the details.

Included in this legislation are such things as Defense Department health-care costs, military modernization, new economic sanctions against Iran, among others. But there are provisions under a scary-sounding title “Counter Terrorism” that are drawing particular wrath from a variety of individuals and groups. Why? Because the legislation does or doesn’t (your choice) provide for Presidential authorization to imprison American citizens without due process. That means, potentially, no charges, no habeas corpus, no trial. And this includes, possibly, the ability for the US Military to be the cops in these situations. And the right to ship said citizens to other countries where the term civil liberty is an oxymoron.

In an Orwellian turn of phrase, this president insists that his administration will not cotton to actually doing the deeds. Small comfort there, seeing as Mr. Obama ‘held his nose’ while signing the legislation into law. “The fact that I support this bill as a whole does not mean I agree with everything in it,” the president said. But now the fact is that it IS the law now. And it can be, and will be, interpreted however the administration deems expeditious at the time. After all, it’s easier to ask forgiveness than for permission.

Now if you take this president at his word, perhaps as long as he is president there’s nothing to fear. But his replacement? Who knows? And those around them? After all, even Nixon likely didn’t know everything his people did on his behalf.

They say politics makes strange bedfellows. This is a good example of it. Groups such as the ACLU are up in arms over this, which you would expect. But so is Ron Paul. That makes sense from the standpoint of being Libertarian, but it does seem strange since much of their respective agendas cannot be in synch.

So here are some thoughts to ponder as we sort out the net result of this new law.
1) Has anyone got a crystal ball? After all, there will be unintended consequences to this act, for better or worse. It’s inevitable.
2) Would it make sense to stop legislating in bulk? While this law may not quite be the defining example of omnibus legislation, too many times bills are piggybacked with others. This way unpopular, or poison-pill bills can get passed because the bill it’s attached to will pass easily. For example, let’s say you want to build a bridge to nowhere. Attach the authorization for that project to something that will pass, such as creating National Walrus Appreciation Day.
3) And the big one: Can you follow the slow lava crawl of erosion of civil liberties? Will the new landmass built by that same lava fundamentally change our rights under the Constitution? Ever since 9/11, we have seen incremental, almost imperceptible degradations in our ability to live our lives free from Government interference. Now, if you mention the words terrorist, bomb, assassination, jihad, bio-warfare, or such over the phone it would not be a surprise to hear a knock on your door. Paranoid? Maybe. But totalitarian states start in such a manner, with the gradual erosion. After all, if you don’t squawk at the first baby step, why would you squawk at the next one? It’s only changed a little.

Bottom line is that this law may not spell the end of our liberties as we know them. But the next one might.